Thursday, September 27, 2007

15 Canadian days down... 24 to go

So, I am halfway through my time in Canada. On one hand it feels like I just got here, on the other hand, it feels like it's been forever! With the amount of activities I have been squishing into my timetable, my body is going "AHH!" It's been busy, but really good. I have been able to share in my church, as well as in a new church. I've met up with supporters, non-supporters and potential future supporters! I have three new churches who are considering to support me, and a few individuals who have decided to support me as well. It's so amazing the doors that are being opened to new opportunities. I was a little worried I wouldn't make any new connections, but that hasn't been the case.

Just so that you guys know where I'm going to be in the next few weeks, allow me to share with you.
Sept 28- Drayton Valley, then back to Edmonton the next day
Oct 3-9 - Vancouver and Kamloops then to Edmonton
Oct 14 - Wetaskawin, then back to Edmonton the same day
Oct 16-19 - Calgary
Oct19-20- Red Deer at the Freshwind Women's Conference (COME COME!!)
Oct 21 @ 1:05pm flying back to the land of Korbacik and Bryndzove Halusky! Slovakia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahoj Christina! krasne, horuce pozdravy zasielame my tri z Nitry :) chybas nam veeeelmi.cakame Ta!
dnes sme mali prve bohosluzby vo verejnych priestoroch.bolo uzasne!
Pred besiedkou vyzvali deti, aby prisli dopredu a medzi inym sa ich Miro opytal, ci su radi, ze sme odisli od Christiny do tejto miestnosti, naco vsetky zborovo odpovedali "ano". pohrozili sme Mirovi, ze ti o tom povieme :)
Inak zabijame po nociach komare. cakame aj teba, ze nam s tym pomozes :) Ked sa vratis,navarime ti halusky :)
Tak maj sa krasne! prajeme ti krasny pobyt.
Danka, Janka, Damaris