Saturday, July 15, 2006

Farewell Dessert Night


To my Farewell Dessert Night!

It's at the Park Pentecostal Church
1 Brouwer Rd., Sherwood Park

Sunday, July 30 at 6pm

Please let me know if you're coming before July 28, or I can't guarentee any cake for you! :)

Good News!

Well, if you've seen me around lately, you may have noticed that I have a couple new "toys"... they are ministry tools! I had an unfortunate car accident 2 yrs ago, and I just recieved my settlement back. That settlement has enabled me to buy some much needed tools. I have new glasses, new orthotics, new digital camera and I am now the proud owner of a laptop (it's a Mac- no viruses)! Wow! Now, when i return to Slovakia, I can avoid those Internet cafe's! As nice as it was having to transfer everything back and forth from disks, and trudging around to cafe's.... I can now do it from home! So, you might hear from me more often! (Or not... :)

Also, we have a bit of an update as far as my departure is concerned. The middle of Aug is looking good, but I have yet to recieve the green flag from head office. I am so excited, I am vibrating! No more purgatory for me! I know when I can return! I haven't told Slovakia yet, I like suprises, so if you know any Slovaks, or are a Slovak yourself... please don't tell anyone! I'd really like to just come to church one Sunday and shock everyone! :)

Thanks for all your prayers to make this happen, and please continue to pray as I journey through the process!