Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ft Mac

Well, I had a nice little visit up North in Ft Mac. I got to visit some friends from Bible College (Meagan Hicks, Lesley Peckford and Trina Rideout) It was great to see them again and spend some time. I also got to speak to a pastor while I was up there, so please, pray that they will want to join hands with me in Slovakia. My trip wasn't as productive as I had originally hoped, but then I was pleasantly suprised by the quality of time I had with people up there.

Meagan and her family were so incredibly generous and hospitable to me. I was really glad I could spend that time with them.

And at Lesley's house, we had some nice bonding time over Settlers and Fries and Gravy Chips. We strolled down memory lane, sharing stories of China and breaking out the home videos! Let me tell ya, I had forgotten how LITTLE talent for film making we had! But, those were the days! It was incredibly funny to see them, I miss times like that.

Trina and I had a nice coffee together. I was only able to get in contact with her the day before I left, so I was very thankful that she was able to meet with me. She woke up on her only morning off, and we went for Tim Hortons. :)

I love friends. They are such a blessing.

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