Saturday, May 06, 2006

Return date????

I am frequently asked when I am going "home" to Slovakia. Personally, I think everyone is just trying to get rid of me, but that's Ok, I'll go for counselling later! :) My return date keeps changing, so it is hard to say definitively until I actually buy the plane ticket. I am taking a course now in May (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) at Vanguard College. This course will secure my position teaching Canadian Studies at the University in Nitra, Slovakia.

After that, I am hoping to return to Slovakia by the middle of July. But, speaking honestly here, it all depends on my finances. If God provides for me, then I will go in July. There is a summer camp outreach in the nothern part of Slovakia that I would very much like to be apart of, which takes place in the end of July. So that's what I am praying for, so please, join with me!

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