Sunday, May 11, 2008


Yah, I just cam on here after a long period of not even checking the blog... and then I noticed just how LONG it has been since I wrote anything on here... so much has happened...

The first thing I want to talk about is our Young Adult Outreach. We have had 3 clubs so far for University students in the form of a Discussion Club. Our topics have been on Friendships, Beauty (who decides?), and Living the Right Life (is there more to life than money, family, career...) It has been SO encouraging to see people come to these events. Although it's been a bit strange, we always seem to have the same amount of people, but always different people! I am praying for the day they ALL come at the same time! :) These clubs are a place where people can connect with others, and an open forum for everyone to share their opinions in a safe environment. And of course, we always wrap it up at the end with a personal testimony so that the Gospel is clearly shared and that God's perspective is the last one that is talked about! Then we have refreshments and just chat until they all decide to go home! It has been during these times of just chatting over pie or whatever that we've had some really good conversations. So far no has been saved, but we believe that it's a process and we are faithful to what God is calling us to!

We are also building relationships with Christian University students, and we really value this as well because we recognise that some people may respond to a flyer, but the most people will come when they are invited/brought by a friend. So, we rely on these students to be our voice on campus! :) It has been really great getting to know them as well and to encourage them in their lives, and to be encouraged as well! These students come from all kinds of denominations and backgrounds and I think it's fabulous to do something together!

You may have noticed that I have been mostly talking about WE, no, this is not the royal "we", I am not alone! I have 2 great people that I am working together with on this, Betka and Patrick.

Betka is a wonderful young woman of God, and it is such a pleasure to work with her. She is easily my closest friend here in Nitra, and I am so thankful for her friendship. These clubs were actually mainly her idea! I was praying and trying to find a way to reach out to the students. I knew that we had this room in the office that I wanted to turn into a mini-cafe, but I wasn't quite sure how to go about that. Then Betka and I started talking together about this, which is when she told me that she had all these ideas, and that God has placed this strongly on her heart! She was also inspired by what she experienced with Campus Ministries while she was in Russia over the summer. So, we took that idea and ran with it! As a result... we've got our (so far) monthly discussion club! Praise God for His leading and provision!

Patrick is an American who has been working in the Kingdom in Nitra for the past 7 years together with his wife, Ivetka and their 2 sons. Patrick is changing his role though, and will be not be as involved when we resume in the fall.

More news....

So far this year we have had 2 MISSIONS TEAMS!!! Actually, they came back to back in April, which is my excuse for why i haven't posted! :)

The first team were 3 wonderful ladies from Alberta who came as a District Women's team, and it was such a blessing to have them here! They were so easy to host and such a joy! And they were so well recieved! It was great! I was blessed in particular because 2 of these women I know very well, Debbie Fawcett and Arlene Rowley, and it was so good to meet Denise Hager of Chauvin as well. They did various types of things while they were here, mainly focusing on women and mother's. We went to the Mother's Centre in Nove Zamky and did teaching/discussion on issues pertinent to mom's and wives... I learned a lot! :)

We went to one facility for teenage mother's and did crafts with them, which was so much fun! It was so great to see these girls just be girls and not have all the pressure of being a mom at 15 on them. It was also great to see how they connected with Arlene in particular. We also did a Regional Women's Night Out, where 60 women gathered for an evening of sharing, conversing, eating and receiving! Debbie spoke and it was really powerful. Hearts were definitely moved, the feedback I've received since then has all included, "we need to do this more often" and has included a lot of positive adjectives! :)

I also put them to work and they cleaned off bricks for re-use in Zlate Moravce at the church planter's house (Michal and Lubi Kluciar) there, which they are renovating completely.

We also went to another church here in the city and washed all their windows! This was a joint effort also by others in our church, and also their church. It was great to do something together and we had a great time of fellowship over good food as well! :) They were also involved in many other things... I kept them busy! :D


The second team we received was from St.Catherine's, Ontario, and they were a young adult team from Central. They were a lot of fun, very high energy! These guys were a servant/young adult team.

Everyday they were in the University serving them in practical ways. This opened doors of influence for us in the university, as well as doors of relationships. The university sent them a student who could show them around a bit, who ended up being a great guy that they connected well with. We have also met him and his friends, and this looks to be a relationship that will continue to grow! We also sent them to Zlate Moravce to help Michal and Lubi with their house.


New Ministry involvement:
You might remember my crazy actress friend, Ludka. Well she is starting a new ministry, an Army of Worshipers. So far all we have done is met together to seek the Lord and to pray for Slovakia and for revival. It's been really good thus far, the Holy Spirit has been really present. So, we'll see where God takes it from here!

OK... I think I will end this post soon...

Car update: The mechanic who has it cannot fix it, and he has asked me to remove my vehicle. He wants to send me to another mechanic who might be able to help me. Sigh. Is it even worth it??

Technology Update: The camera and the cell phone have died. The camera I don't know what can be done... And the cell phone I have replaced! It was time for a new contract anyway... So, note the change of number! 011-421-918-881843

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