Sunday, April 22, 2007

Gaal Wedding

Yesterday, two of my very good friends, Boris and Janka Gaal tied the knot. It was such a nice wedding. Janka was stunningly gorgeous of course, and Boris was looking very sharp and dashing as well. You can see for yourselves!

This is a Slovak tradition of breaking a plate. They break the plate, and it is said that the more peices it breaks into, the more luck/happiness they'll have. They also have to sweep it up together as the first chore they do as a couple. It was also fun to watch the guy with the box (used as the dust tray) open up the bottom a couple times so they had to do it over again!

Oh, good dancing fun! And yes, I did dance. Quite a bit actually! It was very funny indeed to watch me cut the rug, but it was all in good fun! In this video, in the centre is the bride with her new mother in law.

This is another fun tradition of making the bride and groom drink a small glass of wine while being held up on chairs by relatives. Quite a lot of finesse, I would imagine, involved in order to not fall off the chair!

It was quite the night! A lot of food (four meals!), good friends, fun dancing, a moment in history witnessed. I love weddings!


Anonymous said...

Hey Christina....Been thinking about you a lot lately and I pray that God is revealing more of himself to you every day. I heard you are coming home in september! I can't wait to see you sista!

Anonymous said...

Surprise! Just explored your blogger a little, wow, so much is going on. The wedding looked like so much fun. We'll keep praying for you guys and hope to work out sending a team to do something before too long!
God Bless,
Jared Carkin

Anonymous said...

How exciting for Janka and Boris! She looked beautiful! They're young, but I'm sure they'll do fine...wish them all the best for me!
Slovakian weddings look like a lot of fun!!
