Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gong Show

This week has been an absolute gong show... from students not showing up to lessons, to trying to get car insurance, to not being allowed to use the parking space I've been using for months, to finding out today that I need to have a technical inspection. Arg. It's a good thing I have Jesus....


Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl!

ladyyvonne said... it safe to mail parcels to Slovakia? I have something to send that Al forgot to take with him.

ladyyvonne said... are not going to believe this...but your friend Crazy Woman Dawn...I know who she is. I used to babysit her. Her parents were awesome friends of ours. We've kind of lost track of them. Amazing! She used to see us at church and call us "Mommy and Daddy".

Naomi said...

Sometimes the times we need most to "be still and know" are just those times you are describing - when nothing seems to be going as planned and panic starts to kick in. You are not forgotton on the home front, and my prayers for one are still with you!

Christina Chaput said...

Yes it is safe to mail packages here, although I would highly recommend a)triple checking the address and its spelling and b) having insurance. My mom sent me a package for christmas. It left Canada (ground mail) in Nov and arrived in Jan.